Mathon-Aste Farms

As told on

WHY TEXAS LONGHORNS? A breed unique from any other, Texas Longhorns have helped pave the way for the future of the American cattle business while preserving their own uniqueness as a breed and as a trendsetter towards leaner beef. The Texas Longhorn - an old breed with a new future.

Consider Texas Longhorns...

For Lean Meat. The breed produces naturally less fat and lower cholesterol for today’s health conscious public.

Longevity. Texas Longhorns breed well into their teens. More live calves over the years mean more dollars.

Feed Utilization. Less supplemental feed is needed because the cattle take advantage of the forage available.

Disease/Parasite Resistance. A natural immunity developed over the centuries means fewer veterinarian bills and less maintenance for today’s cowman.

Reproductive Efficiency. Large pelvic openings and low birth weights result in live calves. Busy cattlemen can say “goodbye” to sleepless nights.

Docility. Longhorn cattle are intelligent, easy to work and to handle.

Adaptability. The breed thrives in climates from the hot, damp coastal regions to the harsh winters of Canada.

Hybrid Vigor. Heritable quality enhances your present breed and gives you a new genetic pool.

Unique. No two Texas Longhorns are alike. They all differ in color pattern, size, horn length, and personality.

Seedstock.  This is the obvious reason for a registered herd. The seedstock producer furnishes the start-up stock for many new breeders. He also provides other seed stock producers with a new genetic pool.Commercial Bulls. Texas Longhorn bulls are the bull of choice for first-calf heifers. The commercial cattleman knows that the lower birth weight of the calves puts less stress on the mother. It also gives him a live calf to sell at market the first-time out.Commercial Females. Many cattlemen utilize the inherited genetics of the Texas Longhorn female with their breed of bull to produce live, vigorous, profitable calves for the market

Recreational Stock.  There is a ready market for Texas Longhorns for both roping and cutting stock. The cattle are quick, agile, and long-lasting.Lean Beef. Today’s health conscious consumer is demanding leaner beef so many Texas Longhorns have found a niche for the beef they produce.

Traditional & Nostalgia.  The Texas Longhorn is the living symbol of the Old West. Wherever the western influence is desired-front pasture, cattle drive, or tourist attraction-you’ll find a demand for this magnificent breed.

Horns & Hide.  The Texas Longhorn is worth money even after it has outlived its usefulness as a beef producer. Top dollars are paid for the horns, skulls, and mounts that are used in the popular Southwestern decor of businesses and homes.

Pure Pleasure.  Intelligent and easy to work with, the Texas Longhorn is easily trained to exhibit in the show ring, lead or drive in parades, pull wagons, and yes, even to ride!

The History of Texas Longhorns, as told on

The Texas Longhorn became the foundation of the American cattle industry by claiming first rights in the untamed, newly discovered Americas a little over 500 years ago. In 1493, Christopher Columbus brought Spanish cattle to Santa Domingo, and within two hundred years their descendents would be grazing the ranges of Mexico.In 1690, the first herd of cattle, only about 200 head, were driven northward from Mexico to a mission near the Sabine River-a land that would become known as Texas. The early missions and ranchers would not survive all of the elements. But the Texas Longhorn would. By the time of the Civil War, nearly 300 years after setting foot in America, millions of Longhorns ranged between the mesquite-dotted sandy banks of the Rio Bravo to the sandbeds of the Sabine. Most of the Longhorns were unbranded, survivors of Indian raids, scattered by stampedes and weather, escaped from missions or abandoned after ranch failures.The survivors of the Civil War returned home to Texas to find abandoned ranches, unplowed farm fields—and herds of wild cattle, which would soon become gold in their pockets. In the next quarter century, 10 million head were trailed North to fatten on lush Midwestern grasses or shipped directly by rail to the beef-hungry East.

​Translating wild cattle into hard cash was an epic struggle between man, beast and the elements—from this grew the romantic legends of the Western Cowboy.Longhorns, groomed by Mother Nature, carried the ideal characteristics of resistance-they were tremendous for long drives. They could go incredible distances without water, rustle their own food, fend for themselves, swim rivers, survive the desert sun and winter snow. But, at the turn of the century, sundown came for the Texas Longhorn. It took less than 40 years, fenced in land, plows and an overwhelming demand in the marketplace to drive the Longhorn closer to extinction than the buffalo. In 1927, the Federal government helped to preserve the Texas Longhorn and a great part of our American heritage. With only a handful of Texas Longhorns roaming the ranges in private herds, Congress appropriated $3,000, and assigned forest service rangers, Will C. Barnes and John H. Hatton to the task.These two men put the first herd together for Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. Another herd was established on the Fort Niobrara National Wildlife Refuge at Valentine, Nebraska. Also, at this time, the early 30s, the State of Texas formed its own herd with the help of J. Frank Dobie, author of The Longhorns, and his friend Graves Peeler, who had excellent knowledge of the Texas range country. Gradually, more breeders started raising private stock, recognizing the value of Texas Longhorns. The need grew for breed standards and a direct line of communication between the Longhorn breeders.In 1964, the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America was formed in Lawton, Oklahoma. At this time there were less than 1,500 head of genuine Texas Longhorn cattle in existence—a third in the Federal refuges, the State of Texas herd, zoos, parks and other private herds. The purpose of the Association was to recognize the Texas Longhorn and its link with American history, to promote awareness of Texas Longhorn cattle, to recognize present breeders, to encourage others to develop and maintain herds and to preserve for posterity this magnificent breed of cattle.