
Located along the Mississippi River Bluffs, our 189-acre farm balances crop and livestock operations with significant wildlife corridors.  Deer, Turkey, Quail and even a few Pheasant are balanced by the Coyote and Bobcat population.

Forest Harvest

Some curse our constantly changing weather, but the flora and fauna of our woods thrive in these micro-climates along the Mississippi River.  As we search our past and traditions, we realize that forest farming/foraging is a vital part of agricultural future.  Ginseng, Morel Mushrooms, Bloodroot and Goldenseal are being grown in experimental plots.

Bella Rio Vista Longhorns

Our Texas Longhorn Herd feeds on a healthy mix of warm and cool season grasses and hay throughout the year.  Since 2007, this healthy diet of mixed greens have kept our cattle healthy and thriving.  We harvest a minimal amount annually, keeping our herd size to less than 30 to balance environment. 

BRV Vineyard

A Southern-facing vineyard overlooking the Mississippi River has been ideal for our 1500 vines.  Minimal fungicide, herbicide and no fertilizers are used besides that from our flock of Shetland Sheep that manicure the grounds and prune the grape vines.  600 vines of Cabernet Franc, 600 of Chambourcin and an assortment of Traminette, Norton and Vidal Blanc will help determine our direction for future expansion.

Our Bounty  

Custom Hay and Straw Baling

Just like a mixed green salad has more nutrients than iceberg lettuce, we believe our livestock deserve a mix of warm and cool season grasses that pull different nutrients from differing soil strata.  Our 4'X5' bale is typically priced around $30/bale.  Delivery is extra.


Livestock Guardian Dogs are essential to our herd family.  Hans and Franzi have produced well-mannered, protective offspring that keep our poultry, livestock and, even vineyard safer.  Great Pyrenees and Maremma heritage contribute to what has been a valuable addition to our family.

Mathon-Aste Honey

Our Buckfast and Carniolan bees are a little hardier than most and have a wide variety of wildflowers and flowering trees to gather nectar and pollen.  Minimal use of pesticides and non-GMO crops give our bees a healthier environment.

Mathon-Aste Farms

Shetland Yarn

Shetland Sheep are an ancient breed, well-adapted to our natural, grass-fed, laissez-fairre approach.  Their smaller stature is perfect for keeping our vineyard weed population minimized and lower vines pruned, while naturally fertilizing our vineyard.  Check Kirkwood, Missouri's Swap and Sell periodically for our product.